Wait, Dave Killer's Bread Isn't Healthy? Bread Ingredients to Avoid.


We all know processed, refined white bread isn’t good for us. But did you also know that organic, whole grain bread may be causing us harm as well? Overall, I’m not a huge fan of gluten but I do love some yummy bread now and then. It’s undeniable that bread is delicious.

You can indulge in bread and still make healthy choices. However, it may not be what you think. I often see people promoting brands like Dave’s Killer Bread as a healthy option. However, we are being deceived! I was shocked when my bread craving hit and I saw the ingredients on the back of the packaging.

Expeller pressed canola oil and cane sugar. Yikes! Not what you expect to see in “healthy” bread.


I personally prefer sourdough over any other type of bread. Sourdough is fermented, allowing easier digestion and more readily available nutrients. However, just like everything else, you can’t assume all sourdough is good.

Be sure to look for brands that have less than 5 ingredients, no harmful oils, and no added sugar. I usually go to my local bakery or farmer’s market to find some good quality sourdough. You can also find it in the fresh pastry/bread section of the grocery store.

If you want another option that’s not sourdough, I recommend Food For Life’s ezekiel bread. Not only is it organic but it is also sprouted, making it easier to digest.

Do you have a favorite brand of bread? I’d love to hear! Leave a comment below.

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